01 Jul
  • By Sittruli
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Special Visit: Mr. Iniyavan from India Cements Joins Our Wheelchair Basketball and Table Tennis Training 

We were honored to welcome Mr. Iniyavan, the Marketing Head from India Cements, to our Wheelchair Basketball and Table Tennis Training session at the Ganga Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Centre last Sunday, May 26, 2024. His visit was a significant milestone for us, highlighting the growing recognition and support for adaptive sports. 

Inspiring Presence 

Mr. Iniyavan’s presence brought a wave of excitement and inspiration to our athletes. His genuine interest in our training programs and the progress of our players was evident from the moment he arrived. As a key figure in the corporate world, his support underscores the importance of inclusivity and empowerment through sports. 

Engaging with the Athletes 

During his visit, Mr. Iniyavan took the time to interact with our athletes, sharing words of encouragement and listening to their stories. His enthusiasm was palpable as he observed the dedication and skill displayed during the wheelchair basketball drills and table tennis matches. The players were thrilled to showcase their talents and demonstrate the progress they have made through consistent training and perseverance. 

Insights and Encouragement 

Mr. Iniyavan also shared valuable insights about the potential for corporate involvement in supporting adaptive sports. He emphasized the role of organizations like India Cements in fostering an inclusive environment and providing opportunities for differently-abled athletes to excel. His words resonated with everyone present, reinforcing the importance of collaboration between the corporate sector and sports initiatives. 

A Memorable Experience 

The visit was not just a motivational boost for our athletes but also an opportunity for them to connect with a leader who understands the transformative power of sports. Mr. Iniyavan’s visit highlighted the significance of adaptive sports in building confidence, resilience, and a sense of community among athletes. 

Looking Ahead 

We are deeply grateful to Mr. Iniyavan and India Cements for their support and commitment to promoting inclusivity in sports. This visit marks the beginning of a promising partnership, and we look forward to more such interactions that can further elevate the profile of wheelchair basketball and table tennis in India. 


Mr. Iniyavan’s visit to our training session was a testament to the growing recognition and support for adaptive sports. It reinforced our mission to empower athletes through inclusive sports programs and highlighted the potential for corporate collaboration in this journey. We are excited about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead as we continue to promote and develop adaptive sports in our community. 

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05 Jun
  • By Sittruli
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Elevating Skills and Spirit: A Week of Self-Races and New Tricks in Wheelchair Basketball Training

In the dynamic realm of wheelchair basketball training, this week unfolded with a blend of spirited competitions and insightful learning moments. As players took charge of their own momentum during free time, a spontaneous self-race emerged, setting the stage for an exhilarating display of athleticism. Meanwhile, a new trick took center stage as players delved into the nuances of backcourt violation, enriching their understanding of the game’s intricacies. 


During a well-deserved water break, four players took it upon themselves to ignite their competitive spirits with an impromptu race along the length of the court. Their self-initiated challenge exemplified their passion for the game and their drive to push boundaries even during downtime. Inspired by their enthusiasm, the coach rallied everyone for an official race, transforming a brief moment of recreation into a collective display of athleticism and camaraderie. 

Today’s Race Results: 

– Tamil Velusamy: 18.73 seconds 

– ImRan: 19.21 seconds 

– Suresh Kumar P.: 21.22 seconds 

The self-races not only showcased individual speed and agility but also fostered a sense of unity and shared accomplishment among the players. As each participant crossed the finish line, they celebrated not only their personal achievements but also the collective spirit of their team. 

Exploring Backcourt Violation: 

Amidst the spirited races, players delved into the nuances of backcourt violation, a fundamental concept in wheelchair basketball gameplay. Through dedicated research and practical application, players gained a deeper understanding of the rules governing ball possession and court positioning. Backcourt violation occurs when an offensive player with the ball crosses the midcourt line and returns to the backcourt without the ball being deflected by the opposing team or without any other circumstance that nullifies the violation. This newfound knowledge empowers players to make informed decisions on the court and enhances their overall gameplay strategy. 

As players honed their skills and expanded their wheelchair basketball knowledge, the week proved to be a testament to their unwavering dedication and thirst for improvement. Through self-initiated challenges and exploration of new techniques, they not only elevated their individual abilities but also strengthened the bond of camaraderie that defines their team. As they continue their wheelchair basketball journey, fueled by the lessons learned and experiences shared, they stand poised to conquer new heights of success and achievement. 

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05 Jun
  • By Sittruli
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Embracing Challenges: Practicing Wheelchair Basketball in Adverse Conditions

Rainy days can be a challenge, but for our dedicated wheelchair basketball players, they present an opportunity to push their limits and adapt to new conditions. This week, our practice session took an unexpected turn when the skies opened up, and fewer players were able to turn out. However, rather than seeing this as a setback, we transformed it into a valuable training experience. 

Learning from Past Experiences: 

Last year, we faced a similar situation when a sudden downpour led to a short match with volunteers. This year, we embraced the rain and its unique challenges head-on. The players practiced with wet balls, an essential skill for real-game scenarios where conditions may be less than ideal. Handling a wet ball requires extra concentration, strength, and coordination, and our team rose to the occasion with remarkable enthusiasm. 

Building Mental Toughness: 

The players worked diligently, focusing on passing, dribbling, and shooting despite the slippery conditions. This practice was not just about physical skill but also about mental toughness. By learning to adapt to wet conditions, our players are becoming more versatile and resilient, ready to face any challenge that comes their way during actual games. 

Spotlight on Star Player: Imran 

Imran, one of our star players, particularly stood out during this session. His determination and skill shone through as he effortlessly managed to basket with the wet ball, setting an inspiring example for the entire team. His performance highlighted the importance of these challenging practice sessions and how they prepare our athletes for the unexpected. 

Unwavering Support: 

As the rain continued, the players’ spirits remained high. They knew that overcoming these conditions would make them stronger and more capable athletes. Each pass, dribble, and shot taken with a wet ball brought them closer to mastering their craft under any circumstance.We also want to acknowledge the incredible support from our volunteers and the families of our players who cheered them on despite the rain. Their encouragement is invaluable and contributes significantly to the positive and determined atmosphere of our training sessions. 

In conclusion, rainy days and wet basketballs are not obstacles but opportunities for growth and improvement. Our players are now better equipped to handle adverse conditions, and their resilience is a testament to their dedication and love for the game. We look forward to seeing how these challenging practice sessions translate into stellar performances on the court. With every drop of rain, our team’s bond and skills are strengthened, ensuring they are ready for anything that comes their way. 

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05 Jun
  • By Sittruli
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Exciting Highlights from the 6th Tamil Nadu State Wheelchair Basketball Championship 2024

The 6th Tamil Nadu State Wheelchair Basketball Championship 2024 was a thrilling showcase of talent, determination, and sportsmanship. Let’s dive into the exciting highlights from the matches: 

Match 1: Coimbatore (W) vs Erode (W) 

In a fiercely contested match, Erode emerged victorious with a score of 5-3, showcasing their skills and determination on the court. 

Match 2: Coimbatore (M) vs Erode (M) 

Coimbatore’s men’s team dominated the court with a commanding score of 25-8, securing a well-deserved victory over Erode. 

Match 3: Vellore (W) vs Erode (W) 

Vellore’s women’s team displayed their strength and resilience, securing a victory with a final score of 10-4 over Erode. 

Match 4: Vellore (M) vs Erode (M) 

Vellore continued their winning streak with an impressive score of 21-4 against Erode in the men’s division. 

Match 5: Vellore (W) vs Coimbatore (W) 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Vellore secured a walkover victory[ Team wins by default.] against Coimbatore’s women’s team, showcasing their commitment and determination. 

Match 6: Vellore (M) vs Coimbatore (M) 

In a highly anticipated match, Vellore’s men’s team emerged victorious with a dominant score of 38-16, securing the championship title. 

Special Recognition: 

Women’s Results: Vellore emerged as the winner, followed by Erode as the runner-up and Coimbatore as the second runner-up. 

Inspiring Story: Jyothi, a player from Erode, displayed incredible determination and progress, overcoming initial challenges to become a key player in the championship matches. 

Walkover Explanation: 

A walkover occurs when one team is unable to field a full squad or participate in the match, resulting in the opposing team being declared the winner by default. 

Overall, the 6th Tamil Nadu State Wheelchair Basketball Championship 2024 was a testament to the dedication and passion of all the participating teams and players. Congratulations to all the winners and participants for their outstanding performance and sportsmanship on the court! 🏀🏆

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06 May
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Team Defence: Fostering Unity On and Off the Court 

In this week’s practice session, we delved deep into honing our team defence skills, both on the hardwood and beyond. With a relentless focus on teamwork and unity, we immersed ourselves in drills and exercises meticulously designed to fortify our defensive strategies and enhance communication among teammates. 

A standout moment of the session was our cherished tradition of forming a circle as we wrapped up. Irrespective of age or role, every individual present – coaches, visitors, and cherished family members – joined hands in a powerful symbol of solidarity. As one unified voice, we passionately exclaimed “Defence,” resonating with unwavering commitment and camaraderie, underlining the indispensable role of teamwork and unwavering support in our collective journey. 

Beyond the confines of the court, this practice holds profound significance, serving as a poignant reminder that our team transcends the boundaries of the hardwood. It encompasses all who contribute to our triumphs, from the guiding hands of coaches and the unwavering support of loyal fans to the cherished presence of family members and aspiring young enthusiasts. Through this ritual, we not only bolster our defensive prowess on the court but also foster a robust sense of community off the court. 

Join us as we press forward, unwavering in our pursuit of excellence, both on the court and in life. Together, bound by the unbreakable threads of teamwork, unity, and unwavering dedication, we forge ahead towards our shared aspirations of success and triumph. 

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14 Apr
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Maximizing Performance and Preparing for the Future: Insights from Yesterday’s Practice Session and Beyond

In our recent practice session, held last Sunday, our focus was on refining our skills and strategies to elevate our performance on the field. As we reflect on our progress, we’re also looking ahead to our next session and considering ways to protect ourselves during the sweltering summer months. 

Yesterday’s practice session was instrumental in fine-tuning our techniques, particularly in areas such as line defense and hand positioning. We delved into the intricacies of maintaining a solid line of defense, emphasizing teamwork and coordination to thwart our opponents’ advances effectively. 

Looking forward, our next practice session promises to be equally productive. We’ll continue to hone our skills, with a particular focus on identifying and nurturing new talent among our women players. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, we aim to empower our female athletes to excel on the court and beyond. 

As the temperatures rise, it’s essential to prioritize our well-being and safeguard against the heat. We’ll be implementing measures to stay cool and hydrated during practice, such as taking frequent water breaks and seeking shade whenever possible. Additionally, we’ll be mindful of our physical limits and listen to our bodies to prevent heat-related issues. 

Moreover, we’ll be dedicating time to therapeutic exercises to prevent injuries and promote recovery. These exercises are essential for maintaining our peak physical condition and ensuring that we’re ready to give our best performance when it matters most. 

Finally, we’ll use our upcoming practice session as an opportunity to clarify any points of confusion or uncertainty. Open communication and clear understanding are vital for our team’s success, and we’ll address any questions or concerns to ensure that we’re all on the same page moving forward. 

With determination, teamwork, and careful preparation, we’re confident that we’ll continue to make strides towards our goals. Together, we’ll navigate the challenges of summer training and emerge stronger and more resilient as a team. 

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25 Mar
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Fostering Inclusivity: A Triumph of Unity in the Wheelchair Basketball Training  at Erode

In a heartening development for inclusivity and empowerment, the Erode Camp recently welcomed four new wheelchairs, elevating the total count to 14. This expansion not only broadened the camp’s reach but also paved the way for an inspiring showcase of camaraderie and resilience. 

Championing Diversity 

The addition of these wheelchairs sparked a wave of enthusiasm among participants, prompting them to form dedicated teams. Among these, 2 women’s teams and 2 men’s teams  having 3 members in a team emerged, each fueled by the passion and determination of its members. This initiative underscored the camp’s unwavering commitment to providing equal opportunities for all, irrespective of gender or ability. 

A Journey of Preparation and Collaboration 

With teams in place, rigorous training sessions commenced, instilling a sense of unity and purpose among players. As they honed their skills and strategized for upcoming matches, a spirit of collaboration pervaded the camp, fostering friendships and mutual support. The collective determination to succeed served as a driving force, propelling players to new heights of excellence. 

Rivalries and Resilience on the Court 

As competition day dawned, teams selected opponents of comparable strength, ensuring fair and spirited matchups, both women’s team took the half court to compete with them and both men’s team took the other half. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as players took to the court, their eyes set on victory. Each match was a testament to the players’ resilience and tenacity, with spirited displays of skill and sportsmanship captivating spectators. 

Embracing Collective Success 

In a poignant display of unity, a mixed team competition was organized, transcending traditional boundaries and fostering collaboration. Players from different teams came together, blending their strengths and strategies in pursuit of a common goal. This collaborative endeavor not only showcased the power of teamwork but also underscored the camp’s ethos of inclusivity and mutual support. 

A Legacy of Unity and Inspiration 

As the training session drew to a close, participants departed with a profound sense of achievement and camaraderie. Beyond the victories and accolades, the true legacy of the event lay in the bonds forged and memories created. The Erode Camp had once again proven itself as a beacon of unity, empowerment, and inclusivity, leaving an indelible mark on all who had the privilege to be a part of it. 

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14 Mar
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Unveiling the Para Sports Awareness and Training Camp: A Resounding Success! 

 Witness the incredible achievements of Para athletes at the recently concluded Para Sports Awareness and Training Camp in Coimbatore! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the aspiring Para athletes in Coimbatore who made this event an overwhelming success! Your enthusiasm and dedication have truly made this camp a memorable experience.The camp was meticulously tailored to elevate your skills and provide a platform for you to shine in various Para sports. From thrilling wheelchair basketball matches to intense wheelchair table tennis battles, every game was performed with passion and determination. 

Participants showcased their talent and determination, proving that Para athletes are indeed a force to be reckoned with. The atmosphere was electric as athletes pushed their limits and achieved remarkable feats. We are thrilled to announce that the camp received an overwhelming response, with participants expressing their joy and satisfaction with the event’s organization and execution. 

Event Reviews from Para Sports Enthusiasts: 

1. Muthaiya, the Volleyball Virtuoso: 

   “As a seasoned sitting volleyball player from Coimbatore, I delved into archery and table tennis at the camp. Archery resonated with me, and I’m eager to pursue it further. The well-organized setup and the warm hospitality from everyone made it a delightful experience.” 

2. Balamurugan, the Enthusiastic Scholar: 

   “Hailing from Mylar University, I approached the camp with excitement and was pleasantly surprised by its energy. Despite its brevity, the two days were brimming with joy and fruitful activities. The organizers’ exceptional care ensured a memorable experience.” 

3. Vasudevaki, the Basketball Beginner: 

   “Currently honing my skills at Sittruli Foundation, the camp introduced me to wheelchair basketball. The informative sessions, including an English lecture and TT class, were invaluable. Grateful for the chance to explore new sports and learn.” 

4. Indra, the Versatile Learner: 

   “Coming from Uplipalayam, Coimbatore, the camp broadened my horizons, especially in basketball and Parai. Packed with enriching activities, I only wished it lasted longer. Nevertheless, it was an insightful and rewarding experience overall.” 

The Para Sports Awareness and Training Camp in Coimbatore provided participants with a platform to explore new sports, enhance their skills, and forge unforgettable memories. Join us for future events and be a part of this empowering journey! 

The Para Sports Awareness and Training Camp in Coimbatore provided participants with a platform to explore new sports, enhance their skills, and forge unforgettable memories. Join us for future events and be a part of this empowering journey!. 

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15 Feb
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Elevating Skills and Spirit: A Week of Self-Races and New Tricks in Wheelchair Basketball Training

In the dynamic realm of wheelchair basketball training, this week unfolded with a blend of spirited competitions and insightful learning moments. As players took charge of their own momentum during free time, a spontaneous self-race emerged, setting the stage for an exhilarating display of athleticism. Meanwhile, a new trick took center stage as players delved into the nuances of backcourt violation, enriching their understanding of the game’s intricacies. 


During a well-deserved water break, four players took it upon themselves to ignite their competitive spirits with an impromptu race along the length of the court. Their self-initiated challenge exemplified their passion for the game and their drive to push boundaries even during downtime. Inspired by their enthusiasm, the coach rallied everyone for an official race, transforming a brief moment of recreation into a collective display of athleticism and camaraderie.

The self-races not only showcased individual speed and agility but also fostered a sense of unity and shared accomplishment among the players. As each participant crossed the finish line, they celebrated not only their personal achievements but also the collective spirit of their team. 

Exploring Backcourt Violation

Amidst the spirited races, players delved into the nuances of backcourt violation, a fundamental concept in wheelchair basketball gameplay. Through dedicated research and practical application, players gained a deeper understanding of the rules governing ball possession and court positioning. Backcourt violation occurs when an offensive player with the ball crosses the midcourt line and returns to the backcourt without the ball being deflected by the opposing team or without any other circumstance that nullifies the violation. This newfound knowledge empowers players to make informed decisions on the court and enhances their overall gameplay strategy. 

As players honed their skills and expanded their wheelchair basketball knowledge, the week proved to be a testament to their unwavering dedication and thirst for improvement. Through self-initiated challenges and exploration of new techniques, they not only elevated their individual abilities but also strengthened the bond of camaraderie that defines their team. As they continue their wheelchair basketball journey, fueled by the lessons learned and experiences shared, they stand poised to conquer new heights of success and achievement.

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12 Feb
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Perfect Inclusion – Pinnacle of Energy in Wheelchair Basketball Training

In the vibrant world of Wheelchair Basketball, the spirit of perfect inclusion reached its zenith in a training session marked by unparalleled energy and enthusiasm. The day’s activities commenced with anticipation as two dedicated players eagerly awaited the arrival of their counterparts returning from the Sitting Volleyball Tournaments. As the day unfolded, the dynamic training session evolved with the seamless integration of players and volunteers, embodying the essence of perfect inclusion. 

The session kicked off with a spirited first match featuring two players and eight enthusiastic volunteers. The energy surged higher in the second match, which saw six players showcasing their skills alongside four dedicated volunteers. The pinnacle of perfect inclusion was reached in the third match, achieving a perfect balance with five players and five spirited volunteers. 

The remarkable energy exhibited throughout the training session propelled the atmosphere to unprecedented heights. Amidst the friendly contests, players embraced new challenges, mastering the art of Zonal Defence and the exhilarating technique of double ball dribbles. 

Zonal Defence: 

In Wheelchair Basketball, Zonal Defence is a strategic maneuver aimed at fortifying a team’s defensive capabilities. Players divide the court into zones, with each player responsible for guarding a specific area. This tactic enhances coordination, minimizes defensive gaps, and ensures effective coverage against opponent attacks. The acquisition of Zonal Defence adds a layer of sophistication to the gameplay, fostering a sense of teamwork and strategic prowess among the players. 

Double Ball Dribbles: 

The training session also introduced players to the thrilling world of double ball dribbles. This technique involves players skillfully maneuvering two balls simultaneously, showcasing advanced ball-handling skills and coordination. Double ball dribbles not only add flair to the gameplay but also challenge players to enhance their agility and control. Mastering this exhilarating maneuver brings a new dimension to Wheelchair Basketball, highlighting the players’ dedication to continuous improvement. 

As the day concluded, the Perfect Inclusion ethos became more than a concept; it materialized as a tangible reality on the Wheelchair Basketball court. The fusion of players and volunteers, coupled with the acquisition of new skills, painted a vivid picture of inclusivity at its finest. With Zonal Defence and Double Ball Dribbles in their repertoire, the players stand poised for an exciting journey of growth and excellence in Wheelchair Basketball. 

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