15 Feb
  • By Sittruli
  • Cause in

Elevating Skills and Spirit: A Week of Self-Races and New Tricks in Wheelchair Basketball Training

In the dynamic realm of wheelchair basketball training, this week unfolded with a blend of spirited competitions and insightful learning moments. As players took charge of their own momentum during free time, a spontaneous self-race emerged, setting the stage for an exhilarating display of athleticism. Meanwhile, a new trick took center stage as players delved into the nuances of backcourt violation, enriching their understanding of the game’s intricacies. 


During a well-deserved water break, four players took it upon themselves to ignite their competitive spirits with an impromptu race along the length of the court. Their self-initiated challenge exemplified their passion for the game and their drive to push boundaries even during downtime. Inspired by their enthusiasm, the coach rallied everyone for an official race, transforming a brief moment of recreation into a collective display of athleticism and camaraderie.

The self-races not only showcased individual speed and agility but also fostered a sense of unity and shared accomplishment among the players. As each participant crossed the finish line, they celebrated not only their personal achievements but also the collective spirit of their team. 

Exploring Backcourt Violation

Amidst the spirited races, players delved into the nuances of backcourt violation, a fundamental concept in wheelchair basketball gameplay. Through dedicated research and practical application, players gained a deeper understanding of the rules governing ball possession and court positioning. Backcourt violation occurs when an offensive player with the ball crosses the midcourt line and returns to the backcourt without the ball being deflected by the opposing team or without any other circumstance that nullifies the violation. This newfound knowledge empowers players to make informed decisions on the court and enhances their overall gameplay strategy. 

As players honed their skills and expanded their wheelchair basketball knowledge, the week proved to be a testament to their unwavering dedication and thirst for improvement. Through self-initiated challenges and exploration of new techniques, they not only elevated their individual abilities but also strengthened the bond of camaraderie that defines their team. As they continue their wheelchair basketball journey, fueled by the lessons learned and experiences shared, they stand poised to conquer new heights of success and achievement.

In the dynamic realm of wheelchair basketball training, this week unfolded with a blend of spirited competitions and insightful learning moments. As players took charge of their own momentum during free time, a spontaneous self-race emerged, setting the stage for an exhilarating display of athleticism. Meanwhile, a new trick took center stage as players delved […]

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12 Feb
  • By Sittruli
  • Cause in

Perfect Inclusion – Pinnacle of Energy in Wheelchair Basketball Training

In the vibrant world of Wheelchair Basketball, the spirit of perfect inclusion reached its zenith in a training session marked by unparalleled energy and enthusiasm. The day’s activities commenced with anticipation as two dedicated players eagerly awaited the arrival of their counterparts returning from the Sitting Volleyball Tournaments. As the day unfolded, the dynamic training session evolved with the seamless integration of players and volunteers, embodying the essence of perfect inclusion. 

The session kicked off with a spirited first match featuring two players and eight enthusiastic volunteers. The energy surged higher in the second match, which saw six players showcasing their skills alongside four dedicated volunteers. The pinnacle of perfect inclusion was reached in the third match, achieving a perfect balance with five players and five spirited volunteers. 

The remarkable energy exhibited throughout the training session propelled the atmosphere to unprecedented heights. Amidst the friendly contests, players embraced new challenges, mastering the art of Zonal Defence and the exhilarating technique of double ball dribbles. 

Zonal Defence: 

In Wheelchair Basketball, Zonal Defence is a strategic maneuver aimed at fortifying a team’s defensive capabilities. Players divide the court into zones, with each player responsible for guarding a specific area. This tactic enhances coordination, minimizes defensive gaps, and ensures effective coverage against opponent attacks. The acquisition of Zonal Defence adds a layer of sophistication to the gameplay, fostering a sense of teamwork and strategic prowess among the players. 

Double Ball Dribbles: 

The training session also introduced players to the thrilling world of double ball dribbles. This technique involves players skillfully maneuvering two balls simultaneously, showcasing advanced ball-handling skills and coordination. Double ball dribbles not only add flair to the gameplay but also challenge players to enhance their agility and control. Mastering this exhilarating maneuver brings a new dimension to Wheelchair Basketball, highlighting the players’ dedication to continuous improvement. 

As the day concluded, the Perfect Inclusion ethos became more than a concept; it materialized as a tangible reality on the Wheelchair Basketball court. The fusion of players and volunteers, coupled with the acquisition of new skills, painted a vivid picture of inclusivity at its finest. With Zonal Defence and Double Ball Dribbles in their repertoire, the players stand poised for an exciting journey of growth and excellence in Wheelchair Basketball. 

In the vibrant world of Wheelchair Basketball, the spirit of perfect inclusion reached its zenith in a training session marked by unparalleled energy and enthusiasm. The day’s activities commenced with anticipation as two dedicated players eagerly awaited the arrival of their counterparts returning from the Sitting Volleyball Tournaments. As the day unfolded, the dynamic training […]

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12 Feb
  • By Sittruli
  • Cause in

Empowering the Next Generation: The Need for Training Trainers in Wheelchair Basketball

Amidst the passion-fueled courts of Wheelchair Basketball, a crucial need has surfaced—the absence of trainers. Undeterred by this void, the players’ enthusiasm remains unwavering, fostering a collective desire to extend their training and seek dedicated support. Recently, Sittruli’s founder, Mr. Guna, stepped onto the scene, not just as a motivator but as a catalyst for change. His visit sparked a transformative idea—to establish a “Training Camp for Trainers” in collaboration with the Wheelchair Basketball Federation of India. This visionary initiative aims to invite aspiring trainers nationwide and equip them to become Wheelchair Basketball Trainers or Coaches. 

Key Moments: 

Race to Empower: 

Mr. Guna, in a spirit of camaraderie, raced alongside the players. To encourage friendly competition and foster a sense of achievement, he announced rewards for those consistently completing the race within 17 seconds—an endeavor that infused the training sessions with newfound energy. 

Player Feedback and Requests: 

As the players engaged with Mr. Guna, they took the opportunity to voice their feedback and desires. Their collective plea was clear—more training time and the essential guidance of dedicated trainers to enhance their skills further. 

A Vision Takes Shape: 

In response to the players’ needs, a visionary idea unfolded. Mr. Guna proposed the creation of a “Training Camp for Trainers” in collaboration with the Wheelchair Basketball Federation of India. The concept is to invite aspiring trainers from across the country and provide them with comprehensive training to become Wheelchair Basketball Trainers or Coaches. 

The Road Ahead: 

The call for training trainers is not merely a response to a current gap; it is a proactive step toward securing the future of Wheelchair Basketball in India. By nurturing a cadre of skilled trainers, the sport can proliferate to new regions, impacting more lives and creating a sustainable ecosystem for inclusive sports. 

Empowerment Through Education: 

Training trainers goes beyond the technicalities of the game; it is about imparting knowledge, instilling leadership, and fostering a passion for inclusivity. As the envisioned Training Camp takes shape, it holds the promise of creating a ripple effect, empowering not just players but a new generation of trainers equipped to champion the cause of Wheelchair Basketball. 

In the hallowed grounds of Erode, where determination meets inspiration, the journey toward training trainers begins—a journey that will sculpt the future of inclusive sports in India. 

Amidst the passion-fueled courts of Wheelchair Basketball, a crucial need has surfaced—the absence of trainers. Undeterred by this void, the players’ enthusiasm remains unwavering, fostering a collective desire to extend their training and seek dedicated support. Recently, Sittruli’s founder, Mr. Guna, stepped onto the scene, not just as a motivator but as a catalyst for […]

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